Richard Astbury

Things to do before you're 40

On 12th May 2017 I will be 40 years old. To help me get over this terrible event I’m going to undertake 6 crowd-sourced challenges in the preceding months.

1. Christmas Day Swim in the Sea - ✓ DONE

Thank you Carla Wiggins for suggesting this one! Due to ill health this was delayed to New Year’s Eve. However, full submersion in the North Sea at Felixstowe was undertaken, albeit for a rather brief period.

The sea was cold. Very cold.

This was followed by a short sprint back to the family beach hut to dry and warm up. My skin was numb to the touch afterwards.

2. Learn to Ride a Unicycle and Enter a Race - IN PROGRESS

Thank you Geoffrey Huntley for this suggestion!

Unicycling is something I’ve always wanted to try, so I was delighted to receive one from Father Christmas.

I’m currently learning to ride it, slowly.


3. 24 Hour Fast - ✓ DONE

Thank you Elliot Astbury and Frank Kesseler for this suggestion!

Starting at 20:00 on 3rd Jan 2017 I ate nothing, through to 20:00 4th Jan 2017. At which time I ate a large plate of chips and a bowl of home-grown leak soup, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I found this 24hr period extremely unpleasant, and don’t wish to do it again.

4. Walk from Woodbridge to Southwold - NOT STARTED

Thanks Anders Fisher for this suggestion!

I’ll do it when I’m fit enough!

More Suggestions Needed

I’d like you to come up with some more ideas.

The easiest way to contribute an idea is to add an issue in the GitHub repo or add a comment below.

Turning 30

Back in 2006 and 2007, to make turning 30 more bearable (seems trivial when you’re about to hit 40) I asked people to suggest 6 challenges for me to undertake in the 6 months preceding the birthday.

People suggested all kinds of activities ranging from bog snorkelling to donating bone marrow. In the end I picked these challenges:

  1. Run around a castle in your underwear
  2. Make a short film
  3. Go down the deepest cave, and up the highest mountain in England
  4. Go to a party with an outfit costing less than £5
  5. Run between Kenilworth and Warwick Castles
  6. Scale the Sydney Harbour Bridge